Monday, October 20, 2014


Yum!, Cow Tongue...
Well, I hoped that those recordings work for you. You might have to convert them to a different format to listen to them. Unfortunately, this LAN house is kind of annoying and weird and I can~t convert the sound bytes. Anyway, something I forgot to say in my recordings is that I got to try cow tongue on Sunday. I~ll send a picture for you. It was cut up and put in a tomato-y broth. I actually really liked it. It was a pretty dense meat, but it was really good. I am doing great here, and I love you all so much. In case the recording doesn~t work, I am in the branch of Barra do Piraí. We meet in a small house that the church bought. This last week we had 36 people in church and it felt a bit crowded. One of the speakers read from the True to the Faith manual for his talk and the other used a big laptop for notes. It~s a pretty typical, quirky, loving branch. I love it! Unfortunately (but more like FORTUNATELY!) it shouldn~t stay a branch very long because we are going to baptize all the people in this city. I love you all!

Love Elder Ayer

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