Monday, February 2, 2015

Transition to Tres Coracoes

Dear family,

I love you all.  Sorry, I don´t have much time right now.  I am having trouble managing my time on the emails.  Thank yuo all for sending me so much love!  Anyway, the transition to Tres Coracoes has been a good one.  Tres Coracoes is where Pele grew up, which is pretty cool.  He is basically a king here.  There are lots of statues of him all over the place.  I am learning how to be a good zone leader.  It´s really strange because whenever I think of zone leaders, I imagine someone a lot bigger than me and a lot more mature than me.  Of course, I know that it isn´t really how things work out.  It was a tender mercy the other day when someone cited the scripture from Samuel that the Lord looks not on the outward appearance, but on the heart.  That is an even bigger responsibility to purify my heart and serve for the right reasons.  I want so much to be able to help everyone come closer to Christ and feel the power of the Atonement in their lives.  It has been a bit of a strange transition, but I am seekng to be what the Lord wants me to be.  I know that if I pray earnestly and serve diligently with all of my heart, He will help me.  This week had a baptism of an 8 year old in the ward.  The jovens sang I like to look for rainbows.  It was raining outside.  After the baptism there was a rainbow with thunder storms behind it.  It was very cool.  I thought of the covenant from the book of Moses to Enoch that the rainbow is a simbol that Zion has been taken up unto GOd, but Zion will one day descend down to the earth to be with us again.  I thought a lot of that.  ZIon is descending to be down here among us again through the restored gospel.  It is such a blessing.  The storms of the last days may tremble the ground, but we can be secure on the rock of our Redeemer in the restored gospel.  I love you all.  Jesus is the CHrist.  Joseph is HIs prophet.  The BOok of MOrmon is the word of CHrist.  GOd is our Father.  I know this by the spirit.

I love you!  Elder Parker Ayer

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